the diary of Randy W.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Say what?

Yes, I know I have been a bad blogger lately but so many shows and so little time.

BotaRock, Botanique 17/02/05
malibu stacey
Well BotaRock is an event to promote bands from the other side of Belgium. Yes the french speaking part of Belgium. Thanks to bands like Girls in Hawaii, Ghinzu and Sharko (and maybe a bit Hollywood Pornstars but that is mostly thanks to Niek from das pop) there is a whole bunch of bands, who talk FrEnglish, waiting to come out.

First up was Malibu Stacey. And I'm not talking Malibu Stacey the Malibu Stacey I am talking about only thing they've got in comment that they will not be my favorite new band. No I'm talking Malibu "we'll be as annoying as a weezer-like band can be" Stacey. Sorry, but the band is weezer. Happy 90s pop-rock music, happy singer, happy everybody except good old cynical me. Their 3 minute routine popsong couldn't get even with their clown like smile.

two star Hotel
GOGLES!LEATHER PANTS! TINY DRUMKIT! They are visual love child of Electric Six and Placebo. Their bizzar energy and their 70's funk rock music. They kick off Plug It In, it is got bits of Buzzcocks in it aswell as some Slits. Which make them a wee bit cooler than you're average band. And it are one of those band who have the though luck of being Belgain. If they were English/Swedish/German/American they would have found their way to the masses easilier. But still this Liege band will come there in some way. Their energy got my booty shaking with their songs balancing between punkrock and electro.
The Setlist ran
Plug It In
Lighting Pleasure
Birds With Arms
Swing Bridge
No Light
Sunday Morning (no not the Velvet Underground one)
Knife Edge
Check them out 2 Star Hotel

Piano Club
And Piano Club. Nice people. Nice boys. Nice music. Ow isn't it all so nice. They already established a steady fanbase. And teenage girls, drop immedatly for his bambi like eyes. But hey I didn't cry when they shot bambi's mom (I called PETA) and this stuff wasn't sensitive, it was pathetic. It was worse than Keane. No Stereophonic like looks can brings down the fact that their music sentimental and ready to sell commercial trash we've been drowned in for the last years.

Art Toi Koerke 18/02/05
Art Toi, it seems like yesterday when Thijs gave me his demo. And in a few months they will be playing with SATELLITE CITY in the AB. Their songs are the perfect music for when you're driving around in your car. But I still prefer the demo tape. Maybe because it was one of my first demo's I ever got from a band that sounded cool.
Anyway they introduced something new the rockscene: a drunken person who stands on stage and does complety nothing execpt holding his beer and look at the crowd as if you would look to monkeys in the zoo.
Art Toi has slowly built a good live reputation and confirmed that hardworking Flemish bands are equal to their English ones. Art Toi gives a mix between Modern Lovers and the Cardigans. So lo fi pop music it is. Songs like Minute Made and Madison Fox are switched with something more ballad wise. And they finished things with "Day Tripper". And that is art toi in a nutshell, maybe not very original, but good music for good times.

Their Official WEBSITE

MC5/DKT AB 24/02/2005
French rockers, in genre of Triggerfinger. Not really that impressing especially whe you have to pee.

MC5 is the band that is bigger than the Clash, but didn't sell as well as their English grandchildren.
Way back in the sixties they stood next to the Velvet Underground and the Stooges. They made a proto punk rock which stood as a base for bands like the Ramones. MC5 never knew commercial succes as they do know it now. It is impossible to say your not to say that you aren't influenced by them if you play rock music.
mc5/DKT did the white stripes sound boring as hell at the pukkelpopfestival.
They already toured around the world twice this year, stopping every where they could. But Ramblin Rose still has a fresh vibe to it as if you were in the White Panters movement. But then Handsome arrived and he personal wrecked American Russe. It was a horrible site. He bragged with his "bling bling", and ruined it for a bit. But things got better when Lisa from the Bellrays got her hands Looking at You.
Considering the average age of the average people, you just could feel the pure viagra effect she had on everybody. And the soloing Kramer and Gilby (from Guns'n'Roses) was extrodinary. But what did you expect? Giving critism on their guitar solo's would be like saying that Mozart wrote to many notes in his great pieces.
And then something I still don't know wether I should like it or not. The did the same soulsession through rocket reducer n°62. And I just don't like clichés. But at least DKT made a very spacy version of Spaceship.
I stepped out of the room still not know what to think of it. Confusal and a setlist. Walked up to them and said:"I am really sorry, but the pukkelpopshow was better." I never imagined ever to say that.

Acoustic session. Don't really remember much of it. It was owk and it was fine it was easily listing but MC5 still had me in their power. Nevertheless was it charming

Stoneknights and Eosine

Matti's band: Stoneknights. So if you're friend of the band, can you be honest yes. Like all good bands this year (remember the kills) PA difficulties are inevitable. You couldn't hear the mouth organ or you couldn't hear Stijn guitarsolo's. After a few Kings of Leon songs and some garage rock'n'roll adventures you could hardly hear. They made a song dedicated to all the sluts in the world. Which sounded very blues-rocky. But then they played that one hit from that one band that Ozzy Osbourne used to be in and you know that band wasn't really it. Which was a pitty because I mean for all the other songs everything was in the house but the sound wasn't done like it should be.


Boring. No furhter comment.

The rest of night was spent on LCD soundsystem and cool mashups where people faked they were pregnant and stole cigarets. Where other people got drunk of Vodka and some other folks got their groove on numbers.

This was all for now. Arevedici

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Dance or swing it

First and for all, my pc crashed, and I've lost all my babyshambles sessions(but also the bucket and sun session, oh wait the last one where Elvis his session, but still) and all the other mp3's and boots. AHHHHHHHH the horror. If any of you nice people want to share them! Plus I had a busy week that kept me busy.

Then here is something to cheer us all up.The Hundred Greatest Records To Listen To While Making Sweet Love.
And the tracks are carefully selected by the Suicide Girls, you know those punk like girls who were in the video of Lemmy and Dave Grohl. Don't really know if this record is going help you having sex than preventing it from the fysical act.

I've also seen Mr. Tc Matic AKA Arno while I was speeding through Brussels. He wasn't with Jane Birkin but with his two sons.

Well that is all for now, I'll keep you informed about other details, like the bloody tram crash I was in on monday. (PAM PAM PAAAAAAAAm)

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hippies were all into Peace and Love, We were in the more harder stuff

The last days I've been terrorised by hippie tracks. Thank god for Rough Trade's Post Punk Compl., which also reminds me to my bootie including some Hippie, Franz, and Electric 6. But my LCD soundsystem CD has left my CD-player for my favorite anti-folk guru: Adam Green.

Now I might go to the Arttoi concert this saturday if I got some transport to that part of suburbia. I also have some material for a new Session, it is all very early Stooges meets Woody Guthrie. This machine kills facists with the random use 3 chords.

I'm also developing a very bad diet based on too much junk food, but on the bright side I didn't smoke today. Ow wait I did. But just half a ciggie that is doesn't really count, does it? Not that I'm trying to stop smoking again. Oh no. I stopped stopping. Maybe if Noami Klein came up to me and asked like really sweet, maybe that could help but I don't really think so.

Imaginary conversation:
Noami Klein: "Oh are you one of those puberal like person who have to prove what there worth with smoking a ciggie. You know that ... (she starts giving me a whole explanation with figures and numbers.)(In her lovely Canadian Accent)
Me: Yes! I am such a horrible person!
NK: Well change that vain little habbit.
Me: But aren't you a bit vain habbit.
NK: What are you talking about???
ME: Yeh when you showed up for Hard Talk on BBC world, didn't you take of your designer glasses? Too vain or did you had to hide your own personal fear.
NK: Ow No he is on to me. (Calls someone)
PADAM doors open: Bang N. Hertz enters:
ME: Wow this must like the super dream anti globalisation team.
Yer why don't we all go to The Plant and shake our bootie there. (off to the plant for the rest of night were DJ Chomsky was picking his fav tunes and Sara former memeber of the the INC was also getting her "groove" on)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Post Indie Hero!

LCD soundsystem is still stuck in my cd player. And in the virtual world of music it is all about Louis XIV. Ap. Kimya Dawson is playing at the "Video" the ninth of march. I've just been watching SNL and I found out that the song that I was writing was too much like the kills, so so much for the post-indie hero.

If anyone is interested in my turning some tunes, gimme a hit with your mobile and a shiny coin and I'll be your man, because I have a few new boots ready to load them in to other space. (ow this was way too hipster like, must rephrase it asap.) Me your humble indie servant will be very pleased if he could spin his new material and he would be thrilled if he got payed for it. (better!)

The arty fartyness continues with the RW Fashion line (Can the giggling please be a bit less loud). Currently there are three items ready to go and find his "new" owner. But the whole principe of the design stuff that is kind of person made. I know it is a load of crap packed together in a few words, but the only person has to be persons who have to be totty or persons who really like me and are willing to flush money down the loo for art's sake.

I've just finished Nick Hornby's High Fidelty, which seemed ow so darn familiar. I wonder if I'm going to end up someday as a record shop owner, and I read the last pages while I was still listing to LCD soundsystems Losing My Edge, and now I have to think of the libs. (All the time it reminded me of you).

The pope wasn't feeling too good today. Well I'm still convinced that the pope is a human cyborg controlled by Dick Cheney. But a few more days and it is WEEKEND yay.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Sneakers and hernia


Brooklyn is, for those who are thinking thatI'm talking about Posh Spice Offspring, a Liege based band. And they recorded their debut album " Watching the sun without sunglasses " in the same recording studio as Ghinzu recorded theirs. In fact they were in room in B, while Ghinzu was in room A.

When you've seen a couple of bands, you can by their first 3 songs what the rest is going to be like. The first song was "Helter Skelter"(beatles cover how original!), second was Carry (a fast ballad) and the third was an average pop rock song. And the front man was boring us to death with the most cliché like between song talk and he kept on repeating himself into infinity. Yes, we're a band from (fill in city of origin), please buy our cd (fill in cdname), and the next song is going to be... Yadadadada. So for for the audio-part of the concert.
The visual part of the concert was as hilarious as seeing the Monthy Python reform. You have a band with a band-age average of 40 and you have a singer who's thinking his 23 and wearing Chuck's. But for all of you who can remember the ZeusNine review, I mentioned that it sounded if they we're doing something on a place where the King goes by himself, well he was acting it. I mean the man needed the loo and he needed the loo urgently. He was reallying pulling his face just to be sure everything stayed in. His dance-moves were perhaps too impress the 45 yearsolds, but a jump doesn't do it anymore, maybe if you're Busted but since they split up there is no point in a look-mummy-I-can-go-like-really-high-jump.
For the rest their songs we're very monotous, they didn't have any twisted lyric, or song or even verse or riff. Nope it was all very cliché like and the been here done that meter exploded.

It wasn't a complete waste of my time, but at least I could wonder about why the world peace is impossible. Next time when they're writing a bunch of new songs they better worry if they sound good instead of being amazed by Ghinzu's talent.

So for the bad news. The good news: LCD soundsystem WOO WIEE it is locked in my cd-player and it just won't come out.

Do I have plans. Yes I'm about the conquer the world in a few days. So be careful next time you go out to work. When you get back, I might just have taken over the world. So lesson for today is. Brooklyn what is in a name and don't go to work!