the diary of Randy W.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Bang Bang

Let's start of with some good news.

The Icarus Project is BANG BANG .... DEAD. Yes all you metalheads and other musichaters are allowed to call this your official field day. Due to the fact that we would all like to kill each other for various reasons(too few rehearsals, bad group-vibe, etc.), we agreed to settle this thing like childern playing to be adults and called the project off.
We will not engage ourselves in any last concert nor will our cd be released through V2. Anyway we're not complete assholes and would like to mention the fact that we release the songs for free, so non-commercial hook attached, and we'll be floating through the cyberspace anytime soon.

Second headline:

Sorry, but after enough sneeky smoking behind closed doors, I've yet again decided to drop that aswell. Anyway there is a list were you, yes YOU, can sign and if you, yes you, sign, you might well have done a very lucrative job, because it means you can ask me whatever you want.

Third headline and most important of them all:
Yesterday was the birthday of the only person I will not drop. So drums...

Friday, March 24, 2006

A is for Anarchy

Today I was reading the situationistical writer R. Vaneigem and it made me smile. When he talked about throwing over society as we know it he recalled the Pavlov experiment. Pavlov is the founding father of classical conditioning. He did his expirements with dogs and he drilled them by him so then he could boss them around easilier. So Vaneigem says: "The dogs in Pavlov's laboratory had been conditioned for hundreds of hours. They were fully trained and domesticated. Then there was a flood in the basement. And you know what happened? They forgot all of their training in the blink of an eye. We should be able to do at least that well. I am staking my life on it, and it is toward this end that I devote my work."

Anarchy is becoming sexy again thanks to the succes of the already infamous movie: V for Vendetta. This film is getting positive reviews from the critics and is opening the debate for the broad public about anarchy as a way of life. Anyway an ad hoc group of anarchists in New York City have launched a website A for Anarchy. So pretty please be informed and check it out.

And for those who didn't have enough: here is the band.

V for Vendetta - math-rock is not a four letter word

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Happy together

YAY! Thank You for putting up with me.

In other news, may be not even that important, or may be a wee bit important:

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Living twenty seconds a day

I want to say a million things. Saw those arctic monkeys last night weren't that super anymore. They looked really tired and unhappy.

If I had to chose how to be me. I would be like this.