the diary of Randy W.

Monday, May 31, 2004

Save the day Save A bird Save my day
Well actually. this is a very very egoistical shout for attention and for tickets...
This wensday are the international noise conspiracy playing in de vaartkapoen,brussels. If there is someone who can capture this concert or invite me or idunno help me be a part of it will be rewarded in a creative way...
Why should you help me? coz it is my birthday the next day... and well yes SHE and other people are giving me nothing on that special day where we celebrate the fact that this nibwit is 17. Ow well perhaps you shouldn't celebrate it all. May be I'm just being selfish.
Hmmm animals aren't selfish...

You're what You want to BE

Hmmm sounds like a slogan for Nike doesn't it? But we don't like Nike! We disagree with their evil pacts in South-Asia, don't we subversive intelligent readers? Very good..
Anyway I was wondering Chomsky is good Chomsky is nice. But does Chomsky offers us a possible solution? Something we can do? Here is a justified critic on Chomsky.
Talking Back to Chomsky By Cynthia Peters

Owk that is all I'm gonna do for my daily Proganda.

She part IV
Owk so who is that girl? Why does her sister and brother appear in newspapers? Why does fruit salad has to be so damn good! Why?
Enough questions for now.

So the vines are having some problems again, Pete is planning of leaving the libertines... Seems to be a bad weekend for rock'n'roll. Especially with all that maths and chemistry. Never liked chemistry.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

Coz If you lost your faith in love and music the end won't be long

Ahh the libertines.
Hmm got my school results in for this period. Weren't that good. -> Parents a wee bit pissed off. Hmm may be I'll have to work. But if they say things like stop listing to all that damn music then I think:" Hmm Abolish work..."

Knowledge is power.—Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
Owk for all you intelligent readers out there. Who weren't sure where this quote came from Meditationes Sacræ. De Hæresibus. Written by the fantastic Francis Bacon. If you want to know more about this chap then PLEASE click this link and Enjoy the great rocking tunes this site offers you. So keep your volume up for Francis Bacon.

Noam Chomsky
I've added a permanent link to the blog of Noam Chomsky. One of the most intelligent man walking around. Chomsky was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Hebrew scholar William Chomsky. Starting in 1945, he studied philosophy, and linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. There he studied under Zellig Harris, a professor of linguistics with whose political views he had some sympathy. He received his Ph.D. in linguistics from Penn in 1955, having conducted most of his research the previous four years at Harvard University as a Harvard Junior Fellow. In his doctoral thesis he began to develop some of his linguistic ideas, elaborating on them in his 1957 book Syntactic Structures, possibly his best known work in the field.
After receiving his doctorate, Chomsky taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for nineteen years (and was the original recipient of the Ferrari P. Ward Chair of Modern Languages and Linguistics). It was during this time that he became more publicly engaged in politics, arguing against American involvement in the Vietnam War from around 1964. In 1969 he published American Power and the New Mandarins, a book of essays on the same subject. Since then, he has been well known for his radical political views, lecturing on politics all over the world, and writing several other books on the subject. His beliefs, broadly classified as libertarian socialism, have earned him both a large following among the radical Left, as well as many detractors. He has continued to write and teach on linguistics also. (

Books you should have read by him: Year 501 (if you're English)
Het Ware Gelaat van Uncle Sam (if you're dutch it is published by the nice people of EPO)

Anyway this is all for Now.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Words are easy now

Yes you're alltime favorite art-wonder is going to open a new site. So what is it all about. Music? Si. Reviews? Si. Everything I see live? Si. Naked Women? Well we're currently working very hard on that one.

Anyway, what is up with me. I'm just minutes away from Physics exams and I just started typing to lose some stress. Hmm tomorrow I got detenation same goes for friday. The reason why? Errare et scandale. (Ovidius)

She pt. III
Who is that girl that likes pick nicking?

Call someone naieve
remember the last time that I've posted some poem about guinness that was in fact Darts of pleasure by Franz Ferdinand. Well she believed that I was an authentic James Joyce. Hmm naieve, anyone? So that assigement went rather well. Until I took my guinness out and accidently opened it and all the fricking beer came out like it was champagne. Hilarious? Yes but more if you ask really softly? Does anyone got a tissue for me?

So that is all for now hope to get back to you, my much beloved readers, in a not so distant future.
And don't forget onions are for soup!

Sunday, May 23, 2004


Again I seem to spoil with another picture of MOI....
Hmm don't you just adore me by now...

Who's she part II

Who is that girl in my picture?
Who is she?
Where does she come from?
But even more important can she sing 12-51? backwards?

knowledge is power
Last days I've been learning alot...maths,latin,about myself,... yes, that last one be a brat sometimes. Hmm sometimes egocentric... but hey at least I'm not the only one. It seems to be hip nowadays. Ow well nevermind.
I just noticed that I had an assigment to do about James Joyce... and woops I still got nothing. Hmm I'm just going to get a lager of Guinness and say. Miss, Joyce was Irish and so is Guinness. So he wrote a poem about it.

Guinness, the drink of pleasure
You are the latest contender
You are the one to remember
You are the villain who sends her
Not Light but dark, fantastic passion

I know that I will surrender
I know that you will surrender
I want this fantastic beer
We'll drink fantastic beer

You can feel my lips undress your can,
Undress your can, undress your can,
drink of love and words of leisure
Words of poisoned Drink of Pleasure
Died and so you died
You are the latest adventure
You're an emotion avenger
You are the devil that sells her
Not Light but dark, fantastic passion

I know that you will surrender
I know that you will surrender
I want this fantastic hang over
We'll have fantastic hang over

You can feel my lips undress your glass,
Undress your glass, undress your glass
Skin can feel my lips they tingle - tense anticipation
This one is an easy one, feel the word and melt upon it
Words of love and words of leisure
Words of poisoned drink of Pleasure
Died and so you died

Ich heisse Superfantastisch!
Ich trinke guinness und Lachfisch!
Ich heisse Su-per-fan-tas-tisch!

[In English means: I am called "Superfantastic", I drink guinnes and salmon.]

Would she believe it?

I demand that we had fun! Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 22, 2004

myself Posted by Hello

Hmmm for everybody who never saw me well that is me.... that is ME....

Jacky D and his scottish friends

Hmmmm Prague was a wonderful experience. Very rock'n'roll like. Never smoked, drunk or made new songs anywhere like that before. Very weird. But just when you think you're an experienced drinker. Something comes around like Whisky. Arff.I'm speaking in short sentences to slowly recover from the braindamage and the puking. Not happy with that at all. And even worse Hannah saw me puke. Not proud at all.


Who is She?

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Dancing up and down, making my face feel all sweaty

LOU REED making a trip to Leuven

Woopie doo: the hero of all hero's is comming to marktrock. The man who invented lo-fi, indie, punk and so much more is making a stop here. YEAH YEAH YEAH! So happy :). So keep 15 Augustus in your agenda as a Lou Reed Day.

The Eagles of Death Metal are omni-present nowadays. That is good, but the cd isn't that wack but still. And another thing that is really omni-present flemish rockband and good ones I mean A brand, thou, absynthe minded and you can go on and on. that is even better.

OWk sorry folks i'm too fucking trilled may be tomorrow more but now I'm gonna do a little dance.


Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Dancing to all the wrong songs

Owk doki I'm back. So what have I done? I've took over the world and did a funny dance.

Owk today I feel like being creative

Convo of the day Tom: "I think that I found your dreamgirl
moi: "Is she made out of plasticine?"

Later I added but can she sings 12-51 back wards? (this is a joke for all you cynic people out there it is allowed to laugh with lame jokes)

Quote of the day: "Yes but I like mini's more" Alexandra. Why should you have a certain John, Ringo, Paul and some George if you have small BMW's.

Interview of the day: this afternoon in the cloudy ghent. Anna Catherina and Alexandra asked everything what they needed to know about punk music. I could feel Anna Catherina her interest in the punk. But I noticed that most of her questions where in the genre of "Do punks have relationships".
After saying for a zillion times "darling everybody is punk nowadays." They made comments like "ow Cool i'm a punker!!".

Event that shocked my world: I finished super mario bros pt 1 on my game boy. (Yes I sound like 12-year-old). But really I was so bored yesterday. That I grabbed that thingie and I finally could finish all the levels. But the special thing about this game is that I had it since I got my game boy. So that is like 10 years ago. I took my 10 years to finish it. Does this mean my childhood is over. DOES IT? IS this the end? Am I gonna be a grown-up? THe horror!

Anyway I'm gonna give you two links coz I've been away for such a long time.

First link is a live session of Beautiful world of RATM. I dunno if they have another so soft. But you can feel the pain of the song hidden in the noizy crowd.

Beautiful world rage against the machine

the other link is Elliot Smith the man how suddenly "died" last year and it is a time to slit your wrist song.

Oh well Ok Elliot Smith