the diary of Randy W.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hippies were all into Peace and Love, We were in the more harder stuff

The last days I've been terrorised by hippie tracks. Thank god for Rough Trade's Post Punk Compl., which also reminds me to my bootie including some Hippie, Franz, and Electric 6. But my LCD soundsystem CD has left my CD-player for my favorite anti-folk guru: Adam Green.

Now I might go to the Arttoi concert this saturday if I got some transport to that part of suburbia. I also have some material for a new Session, it is all very early Stooges meets Woody Guthrie. This machine kills facists with the random use 3 chords.

I'm also developing a very bad diet based on too much junk food, but on the bright side I didn't smoke today. Ow wait I did. But just half a ciggie that is doesn't really count, does it? Not that I'm trying to stop smoking again. Oh no. I stopped stopping. Maybe if Noami Klein came up to me and asked like really sweet, maybe that could help but I don't really think so.

Imaginary conversation:
Noami Klein: "Oh are you one of those puberal like person who have to prove what there worth with smoking a ciggie. You know that ... (she starts giving me a whole explanation with figures and numbers.)(In her lovely Canadian Accent)
Me: Yes! I am such a horrible person!
NK: Well change that vain little habbit.
Me: But aren't you a bit vain habbit.
NK: What are you talking about???
ME: Yeh when you showed up for Hard Talk on BBC world, didn't you take of your designer glasses? Too vain or did you had to hide your own personal fear.
NK: Ow No he is on to me. (Calls someone)
PADAM doors open: Bang N. Hertz enters:
ME: Wow this must like the super dream anti globalisation team.
Yer why don't we all go to The Plant and shake our bootie there. (off to the plant for the rest of night were DJ Chomsky was picking his fav tunes and Sara former memeber of the the INC was also getting her "groove" on)


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