the diary of Randy W.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Post Indie Hero!

LCD soundsystem is still stuck in my cd player. And in the virtual world of music it is all about Louis XIV. Ap. Kimya Dawson is playing at the "Video" the ninth of march. I've just been watching SNL and I found out that the song that I was writing was too much like the kills, so so much for the post-indie hero.

If anyone is interested in my turning some tunes, gimme a hit with your mobile and a shiny coin and I'll be your man, because I have a few new boots ready to load them in to other space. (ow this was way too hipster like, must rephrase it asap.) Me your humble indie servant will be very pleased if he could spin his new material and he would be thrilled if he got payed for it. (better!)

The arty fartyness continues with the RW Fashion line (Can the giggling please be a bit less loud). Currently there are three items ready to go and find his "new" owner. But the whole principe of the design stuff that is kind of person made. I know it is a load of crap packed together in a few words, but the only person has to be persons who have to be totty or persons who really like me and are willing to flush money down the loo for art's sake.

I've just finished Nick Hornby's High Fidelty, which seemed ow so darn familiar. I wonder if I'm going to end up someday as a record shop owner, and I read the last pages while I was still listing to LCD soundsystems Losing My Edge, and now I have to think of the libs. (All the time it reminded me of you).

The pope wasn't feeling too good today. Well I'm still convinced that the pope is a human cyborg controlled by Dick Cheney. But a few more days and it is WEEKEND yay.


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