the diary of Randy W.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Words are easy now

Yes you're alltime favorite art-wonder is going to open a new site. So what is it all about. Music? Si. Reviews? Si. Everything I see live? Si. Naked Women? Well we're currently working very hard on that one.

Anyway, what is up with me. I'm just minutes away from Physics exams and I just started typing to lose some stress. Hmm tomorrow I got detenation same goes for friday. The reason why? Errare et scandale. (Ovidius)

She pt. III
Who is that girl that likes pick nicking?

Call someone naieve
remember the last time that I've posted some poem about guinness that was in fact Darts of pleasure by Franz Ferdinand. Well she believed that I was an authentic James Joyce. Hmm naieve, anyone? So that assigement went rather well. Until I took my guinness out and accidently opened it and all the fricking beer came out like it was champagne. Hilarious? Yes but more if you ask really softly? Does anyone got a tissue for me?

So that is all for now hope to get back to you, my much beloved readers, in a not so distant future.
And don't forget onions are for soup!


Blogger randywarhol said...

Ow look you can comment on my posts just by pushing the # button. Isn't that great!

9:02 AM


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