the diary of Randy W.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

You think that I think

Let's kick off with some bad news.


Yep it seems that if you want to be fashionable this season your band has to split up. Look at the Unicorns and McClusky, they started this new Hype. I really can't wait when this goes mainstream.
But on the other hand. We're surely going to miss a band like innocent. They came, They've seen things, and they went back home. The reasons are unclear but I'll keep you up dated on this one.

What else have I been doing. I've seen a play. Wasn't bad. Wasn't really good. Then hit the Ypsilon, met Matti(who's currently on search for his stolen bike), and *surprise surprise* mr. Stoneknight got the same last name as moi. Very dandy. Rest of the night was something whisky cola and deep philosofical questions about where life should go to. After long guessing I'm thinking it should go to Milan. Yeps. Milan. *I'm way too tired*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:50 PM

Blogger randywarhol said...

Next time if someone ask to kill myself. Would he she or it leave a not with her name.

Willy wankers!

8:55 PM

Blogger Lynne. said...

Kijk. Nu post ik WEL een comment.

9:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you still didn't answered the question...
and i didn't say you have to kill yourself, it was more a retorical question, i'll explain my question : if you see everything so negative around you, what is your pleasure in life then?

4:38 PM

Blogger randywarhol said...

What is postive in life. Let's start with the joy of living itself. I'm not really a negative person as you try to say I am. I find happiness in small things in life. In Sartre as in small butterfly. In an innocent smile as in La Meglio Giuventu. Maybe you don't know me. And let's not forget the creative urge to build something we can be proud of.

And about the play I didn't say it was bad either. I simply found it to be an average play. And sorry if you got your knickers twisted for that one. I didn't want to give a whole review to it because I was to tired.

8:08 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and i find happiness in you...even if it doesen't count anymore for you...

1:17 PM


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