the diary of Randy W.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

And he is tasty too...

Had a rather fun day today in Brussels with miss Hannah. It already started on the train, where I got a bag of compliments. Yes, a whole bag of little pieces of paper and on every piece of paper was a compliment. Well thank you for that, but maybe that wasn't that good for my ego coz it just enlarged a wee bit more.

Laten on we did some shopping in the windy and sometimes rainy parts of Brussels. Hannah got totally excited over a few shops, but then around 4 we headed to the monk. Ow yes my much beloved monk. And surprise surprise Mr Warhol got another present. A book, written by Ovidius, a Latin poet, about the mystery of Love. Well maybe this could come in handy. And then we did some more shopping. But some "striptease bar" shopping. Watching yes, Buying no.
Until we met up with mr Johan*Iworkatfmbrssl*Desmet for a drink in the Rossekam. Where I came to the realisation that I haven't seen his new house. So went off to see it. Was very retro-chic. And yes Miss Hannah liked a bit more then just the furniture...
But coz I was running out of jokes and time I needed to get my train.

So that is for my day description let's give some more totaly weird facts about thousand and 4.

Most rock'n'roll like moment: the striped sessions. Night or day. Who will ever tell?
Less rock'n'roll like moment: Standing just outside the AB before the hives gig. Def. must think before acting.
Song lyrics about my lovely life: gisli-straight to hell
What do I whish the world in 2005: a kinky danceable revolution
What do I whish myself in 2005: Hmm a lovely rock'n'roll like year, with some more sessions and some more art talent. And that the people who I consider important stick with me. (ow it sounds really cheesy but it is true) And all the love in the world.
In 2004 I noticed: that carl barat and oscar wilde are the same person. That lollipops are fun. That stripes go togther with neuroticness.
Best Book: Beneath the Underground Bob Black
Best film: LA MEGLIO GIOVENTU point basta!


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