the diary of Randy W.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Just a rascal

Hmm working on a project that I will call the Noisy Vue. It contains music, cinema, word, and unrehearsed jumping up and down. You will hear more from this project soon. But like you can guess the Violent Treehuggers and the earlier mentioned motion picture. Perhaps it will all come togther some way or another.

Now what are the plans for this week. Seeing of my Hives tickets are in. So that means I have to give my cousin a call. For anyone who wants to come with me no problem the current people travelling with me is risen up to 9. So I still need 6 more persons if Iwant to get the cheaper train ticket.

But let's tell you all a story.
Yesterday Randy Warhol took a trip to the parkconcerts. No let's be honest nobody goes to them for the music, just for meeting people. It is a fact. Like 2+2=4. But if you're a Radiohead fan and you like George Orwell 1984 you will know that 2+2=5. But still it is good for you're social life and for not becoming a total outcast. But i think i had my dosis of Parkconcerts of this year. You don't have to be trop social. Otherwise people will think that you are like them and then what? perhaps they like you. THE HORROR. But for all the people who I met out there you were nice and you still are. (so that counts for you 5 persons i talked to)

Now sorry but I have to buy a present coz somebody is birthday is up and No it isn't yours Elliot!


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