the diary of Randy W.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Who is in a bunker? Women and children first

I laugh until my heads comes ... Well if that is still possible I got this annoying cold. My nose is like the E40 motorway on a regular monday morning. Arff I don't want to be sick. Well anyway not that that is stopping me. No, it is gonna take a bit more to stop. Your Alltime Annoying Avant-garde Artist.
Actually I found this great new riff for a new song. Ow if i just could make a song with all those greats riffs. Ahh melting them together to this great unique thingie would be really nice. Yes but maybe I'll find the solution another day.

Anyway, I'm gonna c the passion of Christ tonight. Ow Joy. I saw the trailer and it is really bloody and stuff. I hope it is a mixture between Tarentino and the life of Brian. lol. Bigus Dickus... HIHIHIHIH (that always makes me laugh)
O and I was reading an old Q and I was thinking 2002 such long time ago already. Where were the days the good old days. ow it seems if the link to the song of yesterday doesn't work anymore. But don't you worry. I've got a new fantastic song. It is from Art Brut and you'll need a Real Player to see it.
WE formed a band by Art Brut: the video
It is very catchy and well it sounds like the hives getting on with the rapture while franz ferdinand is doing the dishes.
That is all for now. Morgen weer met meer weer.


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